Monday, November 29, 2010

Does parent frustration lead towards an anxious or a stressed child?

As parents, we may feel exhausted or drained if we are a single mum running around doing everything or both mum and dad working full-time where we get a very little time to spend with our child. A stay at home mum would be frustrated because she doesn’t get enough ‘me’ time. We all go through one of the above stages where we either feel guilty that we are not able to pick our kids up from school, or we feel stressed coz we didn’t get time to sit down with our child to finish their homework. Some parents also forget that they exist as a couple and need to spend some time with each other without the kids. Some mums forget that they deserve a break too...

The above then accumulates into a frustration and comes out either on the child or on ourselves. We might get impatient with them on minute things. Situations where we could have stayed calm (if we were not stressed ourselves), might turn into either an unpleasant atmosphere, or some parents might revert to smacking out of frustration! We then start feeling guilty on our behaviour. Children are very good observers and quick learners. They mirror their parents’ behaviour, so if you fail to control your temper your child is likely to copy you. They will learn to lose temper when something is not acceptable.

Read some tips below that might help you deal better in difficult situations:

* If a rule is broken, be calm and discipline them with a time out method or take their favourite toy they like playing with for a period of time. They will get the point that their unacceptable behaviour has unpleasant consequences for them.
* Research has shown both positive and negative effects of smacking but if handled calmly and all rules are set in place from the start, we might not need to use smacking.
* If we still can’t control our anger, we should just leave the room to cool off. We should never stay in the same room as our children when we cannot control our emotions. May it be our tears or anger! Our emotions may also play a very important role in our children’s development.
* Using relaxation techniques like Meditation has proven effective to keep one calm and in control of emotions. Why not give it a go with your will only take 5 minutes of your day.

Give your stress wings and let it fly away. ~ Carin Hartness

Sent by : Welcome to Kidz4Mation's 'Child Confidence and Success Monthly' formerly known as 'Positive Parenting'

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